Category: News and Events

Lisa with Laney and Loren in NYC

Laney and Loren Go To NYC for Puppy Bowl X

By Lisa Petri, CAWL President In August CAWL was contact by Animal Planet who was looking for puppies to star in Puppy Bowl X. Kyle and I shot some quick video of Laney and Loren and sent it off, not thinking another thing about it. Early in September, we got an email saying that Laney…
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January 5, 2014 7
Laney and Loren in Puppy Bowl X

CAWL Puppies Star in Puppy Bowl X

CAWL rescues Laney and Loren are starring in Puppy Bowl X being aired on the Animal Planet network February 2nd, at 1 PM MST.

January 5, 2014 1

CAWL’s Wobbly Cat Gets a Forever Home

Thank you Colorado Animal Welfare League for all you do for the animals in need and giving all those wonderful four legged friends a second chance! We adopted a kitten named Brennen from the Colorado Animal Welfare League a few months ago. He was diagnosed with Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH) at 4 weeks of age and…
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August 17, 2013 0

Help CAWL with Veterinary Bills for Velvet

Velvet came to CAWL from a local municipal shelter, where animal control had recovered her with an open fracture (badly broken leg with the bone exposed). She was about 5 weeks old and weighed less than a pound. She was put in a temporary cast, one longer than her entire body! X-rays showed a complex…
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June 23, 2013 2

CAWL Launches Lindsey’s Blog

We are so excited today to launch a brand new feature on our website! Lindsey’s Blog is the blog of our crazy cat coordinator who hopes to add fun and useful articles on bottle feeding kittens, being a foster mom and the general craziness with running the cat program here at CAWL. Lindsey has also…
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February 13, 2013 0

Kids Making a Difference for CAWL

Charity abounds in Castle Rock, Colorado! This past weekend, six young philanthropists opened their treat stand on the side of the road selling their wares of cookies, doughnuts, and iced tea to passers by with the intention of donating their proceeds to help the animals at CAWL. Annie, Brady, Charlie, Emma, Kyle and Sarah are…
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August 20, 2012 1

CAWL Orchestrates Massive Potcake Rescue

A “potcake” is the Bahamian term for the thick, leftover food that remains in the bottom of a pot of peas ‘n rice after several reheatings. Traditionally Bahamians fed potcake to the outdoor, indigenous dogs that freely populated the Bahamas. Hence, the dogs have come to be known as “potcakes”. Early in the month of…
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April 23, 2012 7