Author: Beth Lazar @ CAWL

CAWL SNOWmobile reaches 5000 spay/neuter surgeries milestone!

Colorado Animal Welfare League SNOWmobile performed our 5000th surgery! A lovely female Shepard mix name Calypso was the happy &willing number 5000 spay at our recent clinic in Rocky Ford, Colorado. Since beginning our spay neuter program we have been able to help multiple rural Colorado areas with publicly owned spays & neuters, vaccinations, and…
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April 11, 2016 0

Peak Fix - Spay/Neuter Event

The “Peak Fix” is a one-day spay/neuter event for the communities along Peak-to-Peak highway. In 2013, more than 15,000 pets entered the Boulder Humane Society and Foothills Animal Shelter. Despite their many progressive programs, there are still too many homeless pets in our community. That high number in combination with the high price of spay/neuter…
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October 14, 2015 0

Volunteer Spotlight and Special Surprise: Katie

For the last 4 years the Maldonado family has volunteered with CAWL fostering dogs, cats, puppies and kittens.  This family has never turned away an animal in need, they are incredibly caring and compassionate.  Dozens of lucky animals have spent time in their home and with their amazing daughter, Katie. Today was really special as…
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September 3, 2015 0

Volunteer Spotlight: Wil

Wil Wellisch is a native of Minnesota and moved to Denver over 40 years ago.    He was a Professor at Metro State University and taught for decades before retiring to save dogs.  For almost 20 years, Wil has fostered dogs with many of the big name organizations in Denver.  He has worked with almost every…
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July 8, 2015 0

CAWL Partners with DFL for World Spay Day 2015

Each year on February 24, 2015 World Spay Day takes place. Humane Society of the United States encourages nationwide, as well as worldwide clinics,  to offer free or low cost spay and neuter services in order to increase education and availability to pet owners. This year, as in previous years, Colorado Animal Welfare League was…
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February 26, 2015 0

Help Lewis Get a Leg

UPDATE 12/9/2014 - Congratulations Lewis - you will now have your leg for Christmas! We did it! Our Dr. Em is setting up Lewis’ first appointment for his initial prosthetic leg THANKS TO OUR AMAZING DONORS!! He will wear this temporary leg for 4-6 months while he gets used to it and so that OrthoPets…
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December 3, 2014 0

Volunteer Spotlight: Betsy

The CAWL team would like to give amazing thanks and hugs to a volunteer who is very special to us. Betsy Vajtay has been giving her time selflessly to CAWL since 2011. Betsy has filled so many roles for us: official event photographer, dog intake coordinator, foster home, adoption coordinator, transporter, fund raiser, event coordinator,…
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December 2, 2014 0