Adoptable Animals

Volunteer Spotlight: Betsy

Betsy and TrudyThe CAWL team would like to give amazing thanks and hugs to a volunteer who is very special to us. Betsy Vajtay has been giving her time selflessly to CAWL since 2011. Betsy has filled so many roles for us: official event photographer, dog intake coordinator, foster home, adoption coordinator, transporter, fund raiser, event coordinator, and general cheerleader. Maggie and Rocky

Unstoppable Betsy is a yoga instructor and marketing guru who tirelessly assists us in our effort to rescue and spay/neuter homeless animals. Her love of animals brought her to CAWL where she fostered for the team before finding her dear Rocky through our program.

During our first potcake puppy lift, she met, fostered and adopted out sweet Maggie before she found her way back into Betsy’s heart and home.

Betsy is a truly compassionate soul and is motivated to help all animals. So a HUGE thank you again to our very dear friend Betsy - we LOVE you, and our animals and CAWL are so lucky to have you on our team!Betsy and Otis

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