By Lisa Petri, CAWL President
In August CAWL was contact by Animal Planet who was looking for puppies to star in Puppy Bowl X. Kyle and I shot some quick video of Laney and Loren and sent it off, not thinking another thing about it. Early in September, we got an email saying that Laney was accepted and could come to New York City! Another week passed and Loren was accepted as well. On October 2nd, Kyle and I packed up crates, beds, food, bowls, toys, chewies, leashes, vet records and two puppies and headed off to the airport. We looked like we were moving! A mere 7 hours later the four of us were in Manhattan!
Growing up in Franktown, Colorado, the puppies had never seen anything like New York City. Neither one of them had ever walked on a leash, been to a dog park or driven in a taxi. We checked into the hotel in Midtown and headed to the first park we could find to stretch their legs and burn some puppy energy. A hotel employee gave us directions to Madison Square Park which has a fantastic dog park. Kyle carried Loren and I carried Laney 7 blocks to the park. It was wonderful there. The puppies loved it and all the New Yorkers could not have been nicer; people stopped to love on the pups and help us with directions! It was great and we all four slept like the dead that night.
The alarm went off at 5 AM (3 AM Colorado Time!) so we could get everything done and be in Chelsea at the film studio by 7:30 for check in. We carried them back to the park, fed them and gave them a chance to run and play. NYC may be the city that never sleeps but the park was completely empty at 6 AM so we had it all to ourselves! We even did a little leash training by walking from the park to the corner to catch the cab. We made it to the studio in time and there were already puppies and rescuers outside waiting to check in.
A million releases later, a vet check and then time for “Hero Shots” where every puppy posed for portraits and some video while the fosters talked about them on camera. They taped our voices but not our faces! We were clearly not cute enough for the big screen that day! In the ‘green room’ there were several ex-pens with signs on them for the puppies to wait for their turns on stage. The room was packed. Over 60 puppies were there along with their foster parents and Animal Planet volunteers. Laney was in the first group and was quickly whisked off to perform. What a star! Kyle and I could watch on the television in the green room and we could see how well she was doing. She played with all the puppies and even splashed in the water bowl.
Laney came back for a rest and then Loren took off for his chance to shine. While Loren was filming a volunteer came off stage to ask if Laney could have an interview with NBC! Over 60 puppies and Laney was chosen! Both puppies came back for a rest and then both were called back for more film time. Puppies were going on and off stage all day and we got a chance to talk to other rescuers and play with our ex-pen roommates who are future guide dogs for Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Producers started releasing puppies to go home and unbelievably, they asked for more screen time for Laney and Loren. Another rest and then more screen time! Only 10 puppies remained in the studio and Laney and Loren were two of them!
By the time we were released it was 6:20 PM. While Kyle and I never left the green room, except to go to the bathroom, the puppies had eaten, played, slept, played, learned to walk on leash and played some more! Both of them walked on leash to the corner to catch a cab back to the hotel. After only being in NYC for a mere 24 hours, they were New Yorkers!
Friday morning we walked on leash to the dog park and then dropped the puppies at D Pet Hotel in Chelsea for a couple of days of playtime while we hit New York and saw the sights. In two crazy days, Kyle and I saw Wicked, Phantom, The 9/11 Memorial, The Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, the financial district and went to the top of the Empire State Building, shopped in SoHo, ate amazing food and toured Times Square! Sunday morning we picked up the pups bright and early and spent the day in Central Park! The puppies loved it and were naturals on leash and with the local children. It never ceases to amaze me how adaptable dogs are.
We got home late Sunday night with two exhausted puppies, two broke foster parents and a thousand great memories. Everyone we met in NYC could not have been nicer, the puppies were fantastic and we had amazing weather the entire time. Laney and Loren are stars and happily, both were adopted by wonderful families. I am so grateful for everyone who helped with them and especially to the loving adopters who care for them every day! Big Thanks for Kelly and Sadie for loving Miss Laney and to Beth and Richard for loving Loren. Laney and Loren scored big!
I want to adopt loren soooo bad!!! He would get along so well with my pug puppy Max who turns one in march. Please please contact me via email asap pleaseeeee!!!
i am very interested in Laney the beautiful brittany spaniel. Can i get info on adopting her??
aaww well i just read and saw shes been adopted. Lucky girl!!
I watched Laney and Loren on the puppybowl. I watched the whole thing just because of them. I have two rescued Brittanies and I foster and rehabilitate others in need. Those two were adorable and so fun to watch. Thank you!
Hi Lisa! We are so glad that you are interested in one of our rescue dogs! Both Laney and Loren have been adopted to fantastic families. We wish you the best of luck in your search for another rescue dog to complete your family. -Beth
Hi Dusty! Laney is most certainly a lucky and well loved girl. You are correct, she has been adopted to a great home. Thank you for considering a rescue dog! -Beth
Hi Lauren! Thank you for sharing that you watched because of these special CAWL pups. You are a wonderful person for rescuing, fostering and helping out other rescue dogs in need. We certainly need more people like you in rescue! Best wishes, Beth