Lucky Little Skye

Skye is a very lucky girl. She was picked up as a stray in Nebraska and made her way, by various channels, to the folks here at Colorado Animal Welfare League.

She stayed with her foster mom for a few short days and then participated with us in the February PetSmart Charities® Second Chance for Love National Adoption Weekend at the Gartrell PetSmart in Aurora, CO.

Being a puppy, and cute as a button, Skye was quickly adopted by Kristen and her son who just couldn’t say no. We received the following message from Skye’s new family shortly after taking her home:

I adopted Skye today and wanted to let you know she is great! She loves my lab and her and the cat are doing well also! She is sweet and fun and I’m so glad I stopped by today! Thank you!

PS: Tell her foster mom that I am very happy!

A day or so later, we checked in with Kristin to see how Skye was getting along with her new family:

She even sleeps through the night (on my bed…against my usual dog wishes). She does snore though! I have decided that she is a Shepard/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. I am fine with that and it sounds cool too!

My son wanted me to tell you she is happy and HEALTHY!

We are so happy we were able to place Skye in such a great home. A big THANK YOU to Kristin and her son for adopting Skye and providing her a with a new family that loves her. We hope she is still sleeping through the night Kristin!

2 comments to Lucky Little Skye

  • Lisa

    What a lucky girl she is! Congrats!

  • Sandra

    As Skye’s foster mom for those few days, I am extremely happy to see that she has found a loving forever home!! We were instantly attached to her fantastic personality and her ability to get along with our dog (also a lab) immediately!! I’m also happy to hear I’m not the only one that caved and let her sleep on the bed!!! LOL! She’s a total cuddle-bug, and yes, a snorer!! Thank you for saving her!!

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